Should I Buy Leads For My Network Marketing Business?

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No!!! Don’t do it! Stop right there! Here is why you do not want to buy leads for your network marketing business!

If you are reading this, then you have been told that you should buy leads or you are thinking of buying leads for your business.

I realise that there is a little bit of a misunderstanding when it comes to this topic.

So let me be clear! 

There is a right way and a wrong way to “buy leads”.

There is also a difference between paying for advertising and simply buying leads.

The latter is what you DO NOT want to do.

So let us start from the very beginning so you understand exactly what I am speaking about.

What Is A Lead?

A lead is an individual who expresses an interest in what you have to offer. They are otherwise known as a prospect or potential sales contact.

When a lead expresses an interest, it is likely that they can become a customer of yours and so it is your duty, as the marketer to engage and add value to the lead’s lifetime.

So what do you really do when you “buy leads”?

You are either buying the contact details of a person in your niche or you are advertising your business with the intention of getting persons who are interested in what you are promoting.

It can be tempting to buy the contact details of persons who are interested in your niche over paying for advertising as really and truly there is no guarantee that you will get any leads when you advertise.

You see the thing is, whether or not you get leads using advertising, depends on whether you have an offer that is irresistible and attractive. Check out my article, How To Choose Affiliate Products That Sell.

But for any business, I would not advise that you buy leads.

Here Are Three Reasons Why You Should Not Buy Leads For Your Business

Reason #1 

It is unethical to buy leads for your business.

Buying leads is like buying email addresses, phone contacts and names of people. These people do not even know who you are!

Why do you think you have the right to contact these people?

Can we say unsolicited contacts? According to the FCC, this is a top consumer complaint.

Furthermore when you buy leads you have to cold call or cold message them.

No one really wants to go through this daunting task of asking strangers if they may be interested in an offer or product.

Although on a side note, I still do see many network marketers taking this approach on social media.

I mean, just because someone likes a post does not give you the right to reach out to them and offer a product.

Ok rant over!

If you are using an email service like GetResponse or Aweber, then it may be impossible to import these contacts because of their own terms of service.

Reason #2 

Your leads are more than likely to be unresponsive.

After all, they never expressed an interest in your product or offer.

So it seems to be an automatic understanding that they may not respond well to you contacting them.

Especially if you are contacting them merely for a sale.

However this really is not the approach that you want to take when trying to sell your product.

The first thing that you must always do is build a relationship with your leads.

When you buy leads, who have no idea who you are, then it is almost impossible to do so.

Reason #3

Bought leads will be of a lower quality.

Frankly you have wasted your money.

Depending on your lead source, you really do not know how many times the lead has been sold on to other marketers.

It is a hard truth but people will do anything just for a sale.

Unless the vendor who you purchased from is as honest as can be (and these days you really do not know who you can trust), it is difficult to decipher how genuine your lead sale is.

When you buy leads, you may not get targeted leads. You do not know whether they are actually looking for your opportunity or product.

But do not worry my friend.

No your business is not going to suffer just because you do not buy leads.

And no, you are not a failure because you thought that buying leads was the answer but it is not.

The Right Way To “Buy” Leads

What you do want to do is advertise your business.

This allows you to generate your own leads for your business. Do not know how to generate leads as yet? No worries! Check out my article, 6 Ways The Power Lead System Can Grow Your Blog Or Online Business.

By advertising your business under your own brand, it allows you to:

  • Pre-frame your prospects
  • Get leads who are interested in you and your brand
  • Get targeted leads who are interested in your offer or product
  • Introduce yourself to your prospects
  • Build relationships with your prospects
  • Avoid anti-spam laws and legal complications

How To “Buy” Leads

There are many ways that you can “buy leads” legitimately.

On my Traffic Page, I discuss free and paid methods that you can use to surf different platforms for persons who may be interested in your offer.

It is the best thing to actually generate your own leads. When someone has given you permission to contact them, you can then send relevant information to that person about any product that you may promote.

For example, if you are in the photography niche and you are advertising a photography course, whilst you may get persons who are interested in this course, you can also promote other photography related products.

This is how you can monetise your leads and how you can make more money.

However when you buy leads that you have not generated yourself, you run into the difficulty of understanding exactly what they want.

If you ever thought about buying leads, one piece of advice – DO NOT!

First, invest in quality advertising using platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Bing, etc and learn how to generate your own leads for your business.

Buying leads is not really the answer but advertising your business so that you acquire leads with a proper marketing system in place is even better.

If you are looking for more tips on network marketing or online marketing then check out my free ebook, Internet Marketing Success.

It outlines all the steps that I take to build a successful business online.

Click here to get access to my FREE e-book.


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P.S How do you get leads for your business? Leave me a comment or any questions below.

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