How To Succeed In Network Marketing Fast
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That time I almost, ALMOST quit my network marketing business…
Can I get absolutely real with you?
About two years into my network marketing business, I was not happy at all. I was tired and on the verge of crashing because it was so darn hard to get people to sign up as distributors and customers.
Then when I did get someone to join me as a distributor, there was little expectation that they would be around a good few months.
Most of the time, the distributors would join and then do absolutely nothing. They would not respond to my texts, no calls, never attend meetings or take part in support groups.
What was I doing wrong?
I thought to myself that if I had to win at network marketing, I had to go the distance myself.
So I buckled down and tried to get as many customers as I could to fill my matrix chart.
I was literally burning the midnight oil and messaging as many people as I can. You know, hoping that the next person would be a yes.
“It was a numbers game” they said.
So I thought, “Ok, Just one more!”
I mean I made some good money in my network marketing business, I made some awesome friends too but
I was also going nuts!
Instead of enjoying my network marketing business, I was constantly pushing every ounce of me to get that next sale.
It was an emotional roller coaster. Some days I was up; other days I was down when I did not get enough customers to hit the bonus.
And truthfully I was not at a level where I was making a massive income yet. I was at a place where after enduring a tiresome 9 to 5, I came home to pretty much hustle in my network marketing business.
That was not what I dreamed of!
Additionally the methods I was using, was not at all sustainable. Certainly, if I wanted to quit my job and work from home full time, what I was doing was NOT working!
Maybe you can relate?
If you feel like marketing your business is slowly draining all the energy out of you, then this post is for you.
I want to take you on a little journey. I want you to sit back and think about this for a minute:
- Imagine that you could automate your business, so that it works for you; rather than you having to work it. Kind of like a set-it-and-forget-it type of model.
- You can delegate some of your most important tasks to a system so that you can focus on doing other things that mean the most to you.
- Imagine your business making sales whilst you sleep!
- You could put down your phone or step away from your computer for an entire day and not worry about missing prospects coming to your business.
- Imagine not having to go out to the mall or on the streets to look for your next business partner or customer.
- Imagine putting in effort once and having your business run smoothly without you doing a lot of work. At most an hour a day.
Does any of that sound like heaven?
If it does then allow me to introduce you to what literally changed my business:
What in the world is a sales funnel you may ask?
I get you, because when I first heard of it; I did not understand it myself.
The only thing that came to mind were those funnels that you use to pour water into the neck of a bottle.
But if you have had very little results with your network marketing business or any business for that matter, then I have five words for you:
You’ve been doing it all wrong.
And I really mean this sincerely and is no way intended to sound like I am dragging you down as I was in exactly the same position as you about two years ago.
So I know and I was so glad that someone spoke some sense into my head and taught me a different way.
So stay with me here for a minute and you will see by the end of this post how there is some crazy amazing potential for your network marketing business. I will even show you exactly how to make that happen.
A Case Study For My Network Marketing Business
When I started my network marketing business I knew nothing and I mean nothing about these little things called sales funnels.
I knew nothing about email auto-responders.
I thought traffic was what you saw on the road.
I was a clueless little bunny.
All I knew was what my upline taught me.
That was, to speak to as many people as I can, regardless of who it was and tell them about my business.
I was never told to brand myself. Instead I was told to push the product.
If you want sales, then you have to do whatever you can to get the sales… so do not be afraid to talk about your business.
I took heed and I got to work.
I started posting about my business all over Facebook and Instagram.
I went to beauty events and talked to any and everyone who my eyes would meet.
I cold messaged over a hundred people in a day and got like only two responses.
I messaged all my friends and got ZERO responses.
I went to my nearby salons and asked if anyone was interested.
I handed out cards. Some would wryly laugh as I handed my card and the minute I walked out the door my card was in the bin!
I got doors slammed in my face. I got scornful looks and felt tons of rejection.
In the midst of all of that I got some results (yay!)
But I wanted to quit (boo!)
It was just too much and I literally crashed and burned.
The effort that I was putting into it and the results I was getting was just not worth the effort.
So I did just that. I quit.
Well not my network marketing business. Instead I quit what felt like hustling my business and invested in this marketing training which changed the nature of everything.
I had no idea that everything I was doing, could be done easier and without me putting in so much work.
If someone told you, you could build a business without speaking to anyone, would you believe them?
Well I did not but I was intrigued.
I learnt that with a few good sales funnels and the internet, I could actually reach far more people and never have to speak to a single soul, all on autopilot.
I was like WUH??? Sign me up please!

See all those emails above?
That was all the leads I got into my business, the moment I started implementing what I learnt in the training.
Pay attention to the time as well. Leads like clockwork, all asking me for more information about my business instead of me chasing them.
Where was this 411 a year ago I thought? Why were they keeping this a secret?
It was a huge relief for me that I did not have to go through literally blood, sweat and tears to promote my business anymore.
So I started building out these sales funnels which were pretty simple to do and used the internet to build my downline and get customers for my products.
If you have ever seen a network marketer’s business explode, chances are they have cracked the code and figured out how to use sales funnels and the internet and are letting it do most of the work for them.
It is a genius idea!
And there’s a snowball effect too. All it takes is for me to keep getting as many people as I can to see my offer on the internet and opt into my sales funnel.
Then the entire sales closing is done for me on the back end by an email autoresponder.
And sales flow in, in what seems to be a magical way.
Those are the number of leads I got into my business within 3 months, whereas before I would probably get about 20 solid leads a month.
All I can say, is the sales on autopilot was enough to convince me that using sales funnels and the internet in my business was a new way of network marketing.
But there is a catch to all this fabulousity.
You cannot expect to just throw together a sales funnel, put it on the internet and call that George.
You have to be like the strategic marketer.
You have to test your sales funnel, test the content, know what content speaks to your audience, what gets them to click on a button. How do they interact with your website?
Learning all these things are necessary but once you get the hang of it, it is so simple.
“Ok! So I’m sold. But how do I figure out this sales funnel business?”
Today I want to share with you my top five non-negotiable internet marketing tips that are absolutely essential for your growth in your network marketing business.
This is going to start shaking up your business and getting the sales (because well you deserve it).
There are tons of strategies out there but these five hit the nail on the head!
They are a MUST if you want to get going on the right foot.
1. Get a mentor
Get a mentor who knows what they are doing, then model after them.
Remember that this was actually what turned my business around. I took this training given to me by my current mentor then did everything that he said to do.
Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor. — Denzel Washington
2. Create your own internet hub
Create your own internet hub where you can tell the world about you and begin to brand you.
My best take away from all of this is never ever EVER brand the company that you are with. Because one day that company will disappear and no one will really know who you are. You always want to brand yourself first.
3. Build sales funnels
Create a sales funnel using sales funnel builders such as Clickfunnels or LeadPages so that you can capture your leads.
This is how you get leads automatically to your business. When you have a piece of equipment that does the “talking” for you, you barely need to lift a finger to convince anyone. The lead page does all the heavy lifting.
4. Connect your lead page to your offer
This is how you are building your sales funnel. Ideally your lead page should be connected to a bridge page then to the sales page for better conversions. Either way just make sure that when the lead opts in, they have a destination to go to which ultimately is your offer.
5. Focus on sending as many people as you can to your lead page
Here I would use advertisements such as Google, Bing or Facebook ads. You can also use something called solo ads.
This is where people outside of your close circle will see your ad. It is where you have access to the whole world instead of friends on your Facebook profile or neighbours on your street.
And trust me these strategies are not even scratching the surface.
There is so much more you can learn to optimise your results and get more sales in your network marketing business and see the type of growth that top earners have.
If you like what you have read and are hungry for more because you can just see how awesome this will be in your business, I have some super duper news for you.
There are actually people teaching this for free.
If you go to YouTube and type in “internet marketing” or even “using the internet to grow your network marketing business”, you can find hundreds of people already doing this stuff and teaching it for free.
I also have a few posts on the blog that will help you, if you are really hungry for that success.
But I have an itsy bitsy disclaimer and that is, it really will take you months to piece everything together.
Yes, free is great but not so great all the time.
How free works, is that you will get loads of information. That can cause overwhelm and usually there is no structure when you do not know exactly what you are looking for.
How To Grow Fast In Network Marketing
The smartest thing that you can do, is actually learn from the people who have done it before and who has a structured plan so you get all the roads that you need to take to lead to your final destination.
Do not make the mistake of becoming lost and trying to figure stuff out yourself.
I mean I can figure things out on my own but I prefer to figure things out quickly and more efficiently.
So if you are serious about your network marketing business and want to get everything in tip top shape, then I would like to share with you, an ebook that I recently finished, that literally blew my mind. I thought I’d introduce it to you, because my mind is buzzing with new (easier) ways to build a network marketing team and this is what I teach network marketers.
In this ebook you will learn how to properly set up your network marketing business for success online.
The ebook reveals things that top earners just do not want you to know. What I have learnt has been shared with over one hundred thousand other students and helps even the most newbies of the internet to get everything set up and see your business explode into amazingness.
My business went from getting two to three sign ups a month to more than twenty sign ups. I was also able to make hundreds of product sales within in a month when before I only had about ten.
There is just so much gold in the training.
Now I am able to apply all these marketing strategies to any online business that I start and let me not get started on how I was able to go from having one income stream to more than seven income streams.
It is just ridiculous!
Do not leave money on the table with your network marketing business. Heck do not leave the money to your competition.
Because a lot of people have already started using sales funnels and the internet to grow their brand and you should too.
So here is a quick recap of why I absolutely love sales funnels and the internet to grow my network marketing business:
- You can automate your entire business so that you can do more of the things you love and keep your business running on track bringing in sales for you automatically.
- You can scale your business quickly and make sales exponentially all from as little as an hour a day.
- You will put in the effort once to get your business set up and then let it run like clockwork.
- You do not have to chase after people and constantly get rejected and frustrated by them “standing you up”
- You can start enjoying and loving your business all over again
So if you want to stop the hustle and bustle in your network marketing business, stop having to constantly post on social media hoping that at least one person comments on your post for more info you can grab the Network Marketing Secrets ebook here.
I absolutely recommend it and you will see how life changing it will be when you finally get it and you can take your business to a whole other level.
P.S How are you succeeding in your network marketing business? Comment below and let’s start talking.
P.P.S Have you subscribed to my YouTube Channel where I give more free training on growing your network marketing business? Subscribe here!
Thanks, it’s very informative
Hey Celsa, no problem at all. Glad you found it informative.
Really interesting I love it very much and I pray that it will surely help me to grow faster in my networking business
Hey Jennifer thank you for your comment. Got your email and replied. Speak soon.
I have only decided recently to give me network marketing business 1000% I’m sick of living this tired stressed out life.
All the best Samantha. I have an archive of network marketing blog posts to help you achieve your goals.
Is there an example for this funnel? 🙂 Would love to see one!
Hey Nicole a funnel can be as long or as short as you want it to be. Here’s one of mine
Hello Marie, so nice reading your post. Would love to get guide of were to start to crush my network marketing business. Just got in 2months ago and I’m trying to figure out how to succeed at it
Hey Oge, in that case, my blog posts and network marketing archives will definitely help you. Good luck.
Truly amazing article. Thanks!
You’re welcome Samuel and thanks for stopping by.