Attraction Marketing For Dummies
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Attraction marketing?
When I first started in my network marketing business and heard this term, I had no clue what it was. It was a concept that was used by my upline, but not coming from a marketing background and being new to network marketing, I guess that explained why it took me a few months to really understand what attraction marketing was.
For a moment I thought about it but never really studied it, until I saw how other network marketers were promoting their own business. I observed for a long time, the network marketers who had a number of years under their belt and saw how they literally had a tribe of people that they easily connected with.
Then suddenly it hit me and I put two and two together.
When you are marketing or promoting a product, all you are doing is marketing or promoting it in a way, where people are attracted to YOU!
I don’t know why it took me so long to understand that concept, but as I think back now, it should have been obvious. That’s why I named this blog post, attraction marketing for dummies. LOL.
I feel like a right dummy, for not understanding what attraction marketing was, sooner.
If you are like I was, I hope that with this blog post, I will be able to break down for you, what attraction marketing really is, and how to use it in your own business.
Whether you are a network marketer or you are promoting your own business or product, the information that you learn in this blog post, will be useful and helpful to you.
By the end of this blog post you will be able to understand what attraction marketing is and how to use it, to get more referrals and sell more product in your business.
Here’s what you will learn:
- Attraction marketing definition – what is attraction marketing?
- Attraction marketing for MLM
- Attraction marketing examples – attraction marketing on Facebook
- Attraction marketing examples – attraction marketing on Instagram
- Attraction marketing and how to generate leads
- Does attraction marketing really work? The bottom line

Attraction Marketing Definition
Since having been a network marketer and business owner in general, for now five years, at the time of writing this post, here’s the best definition that I can give to attraction marketing.
Attraction marketing is where you promote a product or service in such a way, that you attract your audience to you. In other words, you create the perception that you are a likeable brand or person and your audience goes away with the idea, that they like who you portray yourself and your brand to be and so they are attracted by the idea of working with you.
As a network marketer, you may have heard of the concept that you should not “sell” your products and offer to people, as people do not like being “sold” to.
Rather you should “share” your ideas so that people like what you have and therefore are more likely to do business with you.
You may have also heard of “building relationships” or building a “know, like and trust factor”. I believe they all add up to the same thing – attraction marketing.
Attraction Marketing For MLM
What attraction marketing isn’t in your MLM business
When I started in network marketing, I remember that the first thing I was told to do by my upline, aside from writing my 100s list, was to join as many Facebook groups as possible and post about my products.
On Instagram, I was told to follow as many people as possible, so they could follow me back and then create posts about the product and opportunity.
No training was given on the type of posts to create for Facebook groups and Instagram, so I followed what my upline did.
I saw that most of her posts were sales-oriented. They described what the product was, how it helped and gave a call to action to “message me” for more information.
Some of her posts had a great response as people would ask for more information on the product, so I thought that it worked. So I decided to do the same.
Whilst I did get a great response like my upline did, what turned me off and which I found overwhelming, was having to contact people individually, that responded to the post and message them, to tell them more about the product.
Essentially I had to “sell” the product to them and convince them to buy.
Of course, having to do that daily burned me out and then having to follow up with people, made it ten times harder for me to run my business, as when I followed up by messenger, I was often ignored.
It really took all the fun out of building my business.
There was no genuineness in the way I ran my business and it all felt forced; because essentially I was just looking for a sale.
If what I described to you just now, is how you are running your MLM business, then I recommend that you change strategy and keep reading.
What attraction marketing should be in your MLM business
Over the years, I have learnt that the best way to sell a product or a business opportunity, especially a network marketing product or business opportunity, is to show the value in what you are selling.
How do you show the value of something that you are selling? Here are a few ways:
- Identify your target customer’s problems and speak clearly about those problems in your own story or another customer’s story in a way that is relatable.
- Use emotion to convey your story. The aim here is to really hit on the pain points that your target customer has. So for example, you may want to use words that they are familiar with and which strikes a chord with them. Does your product make people feel more self-confident? Does your product help people have more family time? Does your product bring peace and calm to stressful environments? When you use relatable words, it makes your target audience pay attention to you.
- Show the product being used in your daily life. So you may want to do a video of the product being used or you can take a picture of the product being used.
- Tell the benefits of the product and how it solves your target customer’s problems.
- Be prepared to offer this type of value consistently for some time before you even ask for the sale. So don’t make these type of value posts once, then next time pitch a sale.
Unfortunately attraction marketing is not a quick method to making sales in your MLM business, however it is an effective and sustainable method of building your MLM business, since you are working on building relationships as opposed to hard-selling your products and opportunity.
Also when you create valuable content in this way, you will make people sit up and really become aware of your posts. They will become more attracted to you and look forward to your posts, since you are educating them about your products, as opposed to selling them your products.
Remember that no one likes being shoved a product in front of their face and told to buy. Rather they would like to get the time to know more about your product and offer, so that they understand why it should matter to them.
This process will take time.
Let’s look at some attraction marketing examples, so you can see how other business owners and network marketers are successfully using attraction marketing to get more referrals in their business and sell more of their products.
Attraction Marketing Examples – Attraction marketing on Facebook
#1 Have a human profile photo
Attraction marketing starts with the first thing people see when they accept a friend request or send you a friend request on Facebook – your profile photo.
When using attraction marketing on Facebook, please do not use product shots, money shots, logos or any other image that does not show that you are a real person.
People do business with other people. So find your best photo, preferably of a smiling face and include that as your profile photo.
#2 Have an attractive profile description
Typically when people consider accepting you as a friend on Facebook or sending you a friend request, they navigate to your profile.
Facebook allows you to update your profile description, with interesting facts about you, that you can leverage this space, to give your visitor more information about why they should follow you.
Here are a couple examples of my favourite network marketers and their Facebook profile descriptions.

Don’t just fill this space with a link to your product or website. Tell your visitors more about who you are and make the point interesting so they feel attracted to you, that they want to follow you, to learn more about you.
#3 Have an attractive newsfeed
Part of having an attractive newsfeed is having posts and pictures about your daily lifestyle.
An attractive newsfeed is not product photos or money shots of what you have to offer. This is not completely attractive to the average Facebook user and if they scroll through your newsfeed and this is the type of content that you have, do not be surprised if you are unable to grow your Facebook following.
Having an attractive newsfeed, will help you attract people to you because firstly they are interested in you as a person and once you have them through the door, you can then get them more interested in your product or offer by posting valuable content which I will share more of below.
#4 Tell stories
I can’t tell you how many times I have read a long story post that has made me engage with a Facebook user.
The best type of posts you can share on your Facebook newsfeed to help implement attraction marketing in your business, are long story posts that give an insight into who you are, your journey and any struggles, failures or successes you have achieved.
This is what people resonate with.
In my opinion, a story post can be the most genuine post that you will share and seeks to inspire, encourage, wake up, appeal and attract your target audience to you.
When this happens, they remember you, they connect with you and that is the objective of what a story post should be. By your story, you may be able to touch someone who is going through or has gone through the same as you and allows you to connect with your followers on a more personal level.
By that time, they begin to think that if your story has anything to do with your network marketing product, offer or business opportunity, then they too can have that same feeling that you have so carefully and strategically described to them.
Here is an example of a story post of a network marketer that I have followed for a number of years and have loved her stories, because of how moving they are. Whilst it is not a long story post, it still demonstrates the point I am making here about how to use attraction marketing on Facebook to get referrals into your business and “sell” your opportunity.

#5 Post non-business related or non-product related content
Attraction marketing on Facebook for any business does not only have to be about business.
The purpose of attraction marekting, is to allow people inside your life. To help people get to know more about you, even outside of your business.
So if you are able to post non-business related or non-product related content, include this as part of your posting schedule.
Some posts that you can make include:
- Trending topics
- Controversial topics that get people to share their opinions
- Question posts where you ask for help with something or advice on something
- Memes
- Funny photos
#6 Share behind-the-scene business events
Another aspect of attraction marketing is being able to show what goes on in your business. That way you are able to give your audience an idea of what it really means for them, if they were to work with you.
When creating this type of content, if your purpose is to inspire someone to join an opportunity, you may want to show the freedom you have and how enjoyable that is, for example.
Have you teamed up with others to work together on a project? Well post that to demonstrate that you are a team player.
You want to make your content as personal as possible to help people engage with you and help you stand out from others who are not using attraction marketing in their business.
Here is an example of how Adrienne was able to “sell” her business offer by posting about team bonding and loyalty. This demonstrates that when you work with her, you will not be by yourself but be a part of a supportive team.

#7 Do Facebook Lives
When Facebook introduced live video, it was the best thing that business owners could take advantage of, to help their audience connect with them.
Even though you are still on the other side of a screen, a Facebook live gives your audience access to you in real time.
It is the ultimate way of showing that you are human, just like your target audience.
Remember that people like connecting with other people. By using live video, you can actually create better relationships, educate your prospects in a more creative way and help with the conversion process, since this is a way that your prospects make up their minds as to whether they want to do business with you.
Don’t do Facebook lives to sell your product or opportunity. Rather do Facebook lives to teach something, to give away something for free or to answer questions that your audience may have.
This is how attraction marketing works. Forge stronger relationships so people can become familiar with you, know you, like you and trust you.
#8 Be human
My final tip for you with how to do attraction marketing on Facebook, is to just be you. Just be human.
Post happy events, post sad events, post achievements. These are all posts that help attract people to you.
Attraction Marketing Examples – Attraction marketing on Instagram
Attraction marketing on Instagram, is similar to the attraction marketing strategies that I described in the previous chapter on attraction marketing on Facebook.
So if you have scrolled here, looking for Instagram attraction marketing tips, then scroll up to the previous chapter and apply the techniques that I mentioned there.
There are a few things that are worthy of noting which I will point out now, just to give you the best chance of success with Instagram and attraction marketing.
#1 Use an Instagram business account
If you are using Instagram as a personal account, it is a good time to switch to a business account, so that you can use Instagram’s business analytics to see how your Instagram marketing is performing.
To switch to a business account, go to settings from your Personal account, then click Switch to Business Profile

#2 Use a call to action
It is ok to use a call to action in your profile. Remember as I said in the attraction marketing on Facebook section, that your profile should be attractive and interesting. Instagram allows you to add a website link in your Instagram profile, so make good use of it.
You may want to direct your visitors to a lead capture page. It is the best way to take your Instagram visitors off of Instagram and onto an email list.
Here is how a couple of my favourite Instagrammers used their call to action.

#3 Use high quality images for your feed
Your feed is what will determine whether people stay or leave. So have a highly curated feed that is diverse – fill it with images of you, you in business, you and other people in business, quotations. Don’t just make it a product-filled feed. That turns people away.
#4 Use hashtags
Hashtags is what gets you found and helps you build organic traffic. You should have a list of hashtags that you always use in your Instagram posts. These hashtags should be well researched as you want to make sure that people are actually searching for the keywords used in your hashtags, which will then help them find you.
Attraction Marketing And How To Generate Leads
Now that you know the basic concept of attraction marketing and how to implement it, into your business; I would like you to understand that attraction marketing helps to attract people to you, so you can ultimately generate leads and convert them into customers, clients or team members.
The techniques that I described above, are what you will use to draw people to you, but there are different methods to generating the lead and converting them into a sale.
Of course, people may reach out to you via direct messenger on Instagram or messenger on Facebook and ask for more information, but I would like you to be open-minded to using marketing tools to help you automate the lead generation process.
Here are a few ways that you can actually save time and which will give you a bit more freedom.
#1 Start a blog
A blog is one marketing tool that you can use in your business, that not only allows you to create content that is helpful to other people, but it also helps you to stand out from your peers.
Whilst you are using attraction marketing to attract people to you, a blog takes you ahead of the game and really demonstrates your authority, expertise and even professionalism in your own field.
Rather than repeating the same thing to each person that messages you about your product or offer, wouldn’t it be helpful if you can refer them to a comprehensive resource that has all the answers to their questions?
When you write content that solves someone’s problem, then add a solution within that content, you can easily point the reader back to your offer or opportunity.
If you like this idea and want to start your own blog, then check out my article The Complete Beginner’s Guide To Starting A Successful Blog
It will be so worth it.
#2 Create capture pages and funnels
When you have created a blog, you should then work on creating lead capture pages and funnels. Attraction marketing and getting more referrals in your business is all about your presence.
How you appear to someone and the value that you give, determines how successful you will be in your business.
Your lead capture page and sales funnel, is a more structured way of delivering content automatically, so not only can you educate your audience, but you can take them off of social media and onto your own subscriber list, to nurture them through email.
#3 Master email marketing
If you want to convert more prospects in your business, then using email marketing to connect with and follow up with your prospects on your proposed offer is another great way to automate the prospecting process.
When you start using attraction marketing on Facebook or Instagram, you also want another avenue by which you can communicate with your ideal prospects, that is not on social media.
I want you to think of this for a moment. What if you have spent your time growing a massive following on Facebook and Instagram, then one day it is suddenly taken away from you by some technical glitch.
I have heard so many horror stories of businesses who suddenly lost their social media accounts and with that, they also lost their followers. By including email marketing into your attraction marketing toolkit, will ensure that you keep your loyal prospects on one other platform, so you will always have someone that you can “talk” to about business.
Email marketing using tools like Aweber or GetResponse allow you to communicate regularly with people who want to connect with you.
This can lead to more sign ups and sales as you can promote your product to your prospects via email and have it done automatically on your behalf.
#4 Give away a free gift
This tip is comparable to tip #1, starting a blog but is what you will use to help you build an email list with email marketing.
Your free gift could be an informational product – anything related to your niche, that is of a perceived high value that will benefit and help your prospect.
This will ensure that you are seen as an expert in your field and someone that your prospect can turn to if they have a problem.
Does Attraction Marketing Really Work? The Bottom Line
Attraction marketing definitely works when done right. The key is to use content to draw people to you. You want people to be attracted to you as a person, your lifestyle and to join you in whatever you are doing.
You also want people to like you and trust you. Remember that you are strategically using attraction marketing to get people to trust you enough to do business with you. This will take time.
Building relationships with strangers that you do not know, takes time and to shift their thinking, it takes consistency on your part.
So if you are using social media platforms to build your brand or to build your network marketing MLM business, then apply these attraction marketing tips that I shared in this post.

If you want to learn exactly how to boost your network marketing business by tapping into the right sources such as using sales funnels and autoresponders then this free Network Marketing Secrets ebook course comes highly recommended. All you do is pay shipping.
In this ebook you will discover the strategies that top income earners are using to generate hundreds of leads per day, enrolling 20-50 customers per day and recruiting more than 10 consultants into their business every month.
You will also learn different methods to get more people to opt in to your lead capture page. Different places to find your target audience and how to scale your network marketing business faster.
Click this link to get access to this free training or click on the image below.

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